Car Insurance Frauds Punishment Australia – The driver of a car that intentionally rear-ended and rear-ended another vehicle has been charged with several counts — all thanks to a dash cam.

Last month, Ashpia Natasha was driving her Acura SUV on the Belt Parkway in Queens, New York City, when a Honda Civic veered into her lane and slammed on the brakes in front of her.

Car Insurance Frauds Punishment Australia

Car Insurance Frauds Punishment Australia

While Ms. Natasha was able to stop in time to avoid hitting the Civic, the Honda driver put the car in reverse and backed into the Acura.

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To make matters even more confusing, a screen has been temporarily installed on the Honda’s rear window to allow passengers to change seats before exiting the car.

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After feigning a head injury and taking a photo of the Acura, one of the Honda’s four occupants is rear-ended by a Kia Sportage driving behind Ms. Natasha, leaving the three occupants behind.

Images of this incident from various angles have received more than 90 million views on social networks, although no charges have yet been filed in this connection.

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That has now changed, as Queens attorney Melinda Katz announced that Michael Martinez, 28, has been charged with orchestrating a motor vehicle accident, reckless endangerment, insurance fraud and criminal mischief.

The defendant and the others apparently hit a busy highway and hit an unsuspecting driver with their vehicle after forcing him to stop in the left lane of the parking lot.

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Car Insurance Frauds Punishment Australia

The truth is, most people don’t care about insurance fraud. Many of us think of insurance fraud as a harmless, victimless crime. We classify insurance fraud as a white lie…a benign mistake..not one that deserves our attention, much less punishment – certainly not jail time because it doesn’t hurt anyone! right? We do not categorize member insurance offenses as breaking and entering, assault or arson. When insurance fraud occurs and the perpetrator or perpetrators are arrested, little attention is paid to it. It rarely makes popular news.

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But should we as a society ignore insurance fraud? Is it a small thing? One that doesn’t deserve our time or attention?

Insurance fraud is an attempt to abuse an insurance contract. And this exploitation can take many forms. From completely false claims to claiming a little more than they should.

In cases where innocent mistakes have been made in the submissions – ie. Without intent, it is considered non-compliance, not fraud.

It may come as a surprise to some that insurance fraud is a serious crime punishable by jail time. In Australia, whether fraud is committed in a single act (opportunity) or as a series of frauds committed by a professional criminal (deliberate), it is legally considered a serious offense punishable by the Punishment Act. He can be punished with up to 10 years or with a substantial fine or with both.

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But why is this being taken so seriously, isn’t this a victimless crime? Who, if any, are victims of insurance fraud?

According to the Australian Insurance Fraud Office’s 2018 report, insurance fraud costs the Australian economy up to $2.2 billion each year. Insurance fraud is the most common economic crime in Western countries. In most countries it is even more than tax evasion.

And it matters because all that money—that “total cost of fraud”—comes out of everyone’s pocket through higher premiums. Considerable resources have been spent on fraud detection, assessment, detection and prosecution teams, and legal costs to prosecute and prosecute the perpetrators.

Car Insurance Frauds Punishment Australia

Insurance fraud, like most fraud, is a “hidden crime” – much of it goes undetected, undetected – or unproven, making it difficult to give accurate figures on how common it is.

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The AIC (Australian Institute of Criminology) estimates that fraud is up to 10% of all claims in Australia.

This means more savings on home and contents insurance, life insurance, travel insurance, health insurance, car, bike or boat insurance, vehicle registration insurance, commercial liability insurance and the list goes on.

Fraudulent insurance claims ultimately cost everyone who insures and harm honest policyholders. When insurance fraud happens, you are a victim…I am a victim, we are all victims! Crime is not victimless…crime is victim…if there is such a word…well now it is 🙂

And since we are all victims, we all need to do something about it… if we don’t report it, at least reduce it or stop it when we can.

Why Do Consumers Perpetrate Fraudulent Behaviors In Insurance?

In Australia, reporting insurance fraud is against our culture. Most of us don’t respect our neighbors, friends, family or co-workers – unless it seriously hurts or affects us personally or we really don’t like them 🙂 Perhaps a psychological explanation why we sometimes value loyalty more than justice. Australians are loyal to a fault and in Australia marriage is a sacred bond. If we were faced with a choice between keeping the peace or reporting a neighbor’s crime, most people would choose to keep the peace. 

We hate to interrupt other people’s lives – even if they are not very close to us. We want peace and quiet. 

But maybe the problem is in the way we deal with the problem. Perhaps we should not think of the alternative as “friendship versus loyalty.” If we change it to be more loyal to it—loyal to our principles and values ​​or loyal to the status quo—then the right choice will emerge.

Car Insurance Frauds Punishment Australia

We must protect a moral society. We must ensure that the world we give our children is one in which justice is valued above all else. I am not suggesting that simply ignoring insurance fraud is a slippery slope that will ultimately destroy society. I am not saying that our streets will be full of crime if we go unpunished for the slightest insurance fraud before we know it. But often what is ignored grows..much like the weeds in our gardens. And if more is not done to prevent insurance fraud, it will continue to grow and we will continue to bear the cost.

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Ignoring insurance fraud leads society to corruption. When we ignore the deception, we lower our moral standing. When we remain silent about it, we imply that we have no problem with crime happening and that by allowing it to happen, we are somehow complicit in it. 

Addressing insurance fraud goes beyond reducing insurance premiums, it goes beyond creating awareness and deterring crime. Working with insurance reinforces our values ​​and helps us prepare a better world for our children. Insurance companies have a moral and legal duty to detect and report insurance fraud.

Fortunately, many measures are now being taken to prevent and prevent insurance fraud. Fraud detection is not done in one step. Proving intent can be difficult, expensive and often time consuming, but organizations are gearing up for the fight.. and the secret weapon??? It’s well known that auto insurance fraud can be a serious offense, but did you know that even some mistakes on your insurance application can be considered fraud?

Buying car insurance is basically equivalent to entering into a contract with the company. The way it works is that they agree to cover part of the costs of an accident, whether you injure yourself or someone else – and in return you pay a premium to maintain the insurance policy. Active insurance

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If you, another driver, a salesperson, or even a dishonest insurance agent misleads the insurance company by falsifying information in order to pay less, this is insurance fraud.

Providing false information or falsifying an incident can have serious consequences, from dismissal from the policy to possible jail time. Here is a list of types of auto insurance scams.

Auto insurance fraud can happen in many ways. In the insurance industry, fraud can be opportunistic, premeditated or fraudulent non-disclosure.

Car Insurance Frauds Punishment Australia

Insurance fraud can be opportunistic fraud, usually exaggerating or falsifying a genuine claim. Opportunity fraud can occur by claiming that an old bump was caused by a recent accident. There is also intentional fraud, which consists of stealing or staging an incident in order to create a claim. Fraudulent non-disclosure, on the other hand, is when someone provides false information or falsifies material on their application, such as failing to disclose a criminal conviction.

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Reval Hadi

Hi, I'm Reval Hadi, a passionate technology blogger and AI enthusiast from Indonesia. With a background in Computer Science, I love exploring the cutting edge of artificial intelligence and its real-world applications. Through my blog, I aim to break down complex tech concepts into accessible insights for everyone. My mission is to bridge the gap between advanced AI research and practical uses, especially in the Indonesian context. Join me as we dive into the fascinating world of technology and its potential to shape our future!

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