Bca Insurance Mobil – BCA Bilforsikring is one of the leading insurance brands. Below is a partner seminar and how to get BCA car insurance.
Insurance is a very important thing. In fact, before we decide to invest, we should first have insurance because insurance will protect us from various types of financial problems that we will face in the future. Insurance will protect us against various types of financial risks, whether it is due to a disaster or due to personal negligence. One of the things that is often used as an object of insurance protection is the car. When looking for car insurance, you need to look for a company that actually pays out the insurance claims. You can choose BCA car insurance because of the benefits it provides. A full discussion follows!
Bca Insurance Mobil
BCA Insurance is a company founded on December 1, 1988 in Bandung under the name PT Ganesha Ciptadanamas. This name was changed to Transpacific General Insurance in 2006 and in 2010 this company was taken over by BCA Pension Fund and BCA Finance and changed its name to Central Sejahtera Insurance.
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On 23 December 2013, this business changed its name again to BCA Insurance following a change of ownership, where BCA has a 75% stake in this company. The products offered by this company are vehicle insurance, transport, engineering, money insurance, fire, accident and micro insurance.
This company focuses on the successful development of future business through management and employees. This is further enhanced by improved human resources and systems that can operate more confidently and productively. This company is also constantly expanding their service area by opening marketing offices in all parts of Indonesia, as well as making efforts to improve their services so that they can provide the best service to their customers.
You need to understand the types of car insurance available from insurance companies so that you can choose faster and use it more optimally according to the protection provided. You can get two types of car insurance, namely:
This insurance will protect the car against all types of risks and is usually called comprehensive or comprehensive insurance, where the insurer will pay compensation claims for various types of damage, from minor damage to major damage, even loss. This insurance differs from total loss only in that even a minor scratch pays the claim, but the value of the vehicle is definitely more expensive than total loss only insurance.
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This car insurance means that a compensation claim can only be made in the event of a total loss. In car insurance, total loss means more than 75% damage or theft. If the damage to the car is less than this amount, you will not receive compensation. This figure of 75% is based on the probability that the car is no longer usable. Despite the fact that the circle of buyers is quite small, the price is cheaper.
All risk insurance is definitely more expensive than just total loss, especially if you want to add protection. If the price of your car is high and requires a lot of expenses, even if there is minor damage, it is better for you to choose comprehensive insurance.
This insurance is also very suitable for those involved in car rental or car rental courses because the risk of minor damage to these parties is higher. The type of insurance you choose also depends on the frequency of use, because the more you use the car, the greater the likelihood of an accident, especially if you often drive in busy areas. You can choose to insure all risks.
If your car is parked more often, you can only choose comprehensive insurance because you have to take into account the crime rate. There are several areas with high crime rates, and if you live in such an area, it is best to opt for comprehensive insurance. You can also find out which insurance is right for you by comparing two types of insurance, both by type and company.
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The main guarantee you get is compensation for total damage as well as partial damage to the car with comprehensive insurance. At the same time, comprehensive damage insurance only provides compensation for damages that exceed 75% of the car’s value. There is also an extended warranty that can be provided against earthquakes, riots, terrorism, hurricanes, third party liability, storms, volcanic eruptions, strikes, sabotage, hail, tsunamis, floods and landslides.
Each policy has its own benefits, including BCA car insurance. Below are some of the benefits of BCA car insurance.
Car insurance will provide a relatively large compensation for damage, loss or theft according to the premium amount paid under the policy, so that the financial loss you experience as a result of this incident can be minimized.
Insured cars will also be better maintained against minor damage and will have a higher resale value than uninsured cars.
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This company, which is part of one of the best insurance companies in Indonesia, has several requirements that must be met in order to apply for insurance. Here are the documents.
After agreeing on the above requirements, you as a potential customer will pay the premium according to what is written in the insurance to get the protection that matches the price you pay.
You can easily buy BCA car insurance offline or online. For offline purchase you can contact the nearest BCA insurance agent available in your city or contact them on phone or visit the BCinsurance office in your city.
If you need a more convenient way, you can buy online through the official website. Before buying insurance, make sure you know the right type of product and insurance to suit your needs. To convince yourself that this product is the right choice for you, you can ask the customer service first before making a final decision.
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To pay your BCA car insurance premiums, you can do so offline by visiting a BCA Insurance branch or head office directly. You can also use the BCA Life Mobile Services app if you want to make paying online a more convenient step. You can download this app directly from Google Play Store or App Store.
There are main reasons to buy BCA car insurance online. A discussion of the reasons follows.
All activities will be done online, from status update to verification. This will save you time because you will not have to visit the bank or meet with an insurance agent.
Applying for insurance online will make the cost cheaper because there are no distribution and infrastructure costs, so the insurance premium you get will also be lower.
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By applying for insurance online, you as a potential customer can more freely choose and compare existing insurance products. This method will help you gain a deeper understanding of the various insurance products so that you can choose the product that best suits your needs.
Most of the car insurance application websites have a more attractive appearance and more complete forms, so that the application process you are about to go through is easier and you do not need to submit documents offline.
Claims made online can inform you of various reviews of the insurance product you wish to purchase. You will usually find previous people who have bought this insurance and you can use this review as a reference to find the right insurance.
BCA car insurance has rules that you must follow when trying to make a claim. Below you can see how you can claim the right insurance.
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The insured must report the incident to the claims department of the insurance company at least 3 days after the accident, orally or in writing.
As this car insurance is part of a cheap car insurance, there are certain things that are not covered due to the following factors.
The insurance does not cover loss, damage and expenses to the vehicle, as well as third party legal liability as a result of the following.
A vehicle used to push or pull vehicles or other objects or to teach driving. Participate in speed training or events, carnivals, parades, etc. Commit criminal acts and other acts not listed in the policy.
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The insurance does not cover damage or costs to the vehicle or third party legal liability caused by the following.
Riots, Hurricanes, Storms, Tsunamis, Riots, Insurrection, Fusion, Radioactive Pollution, Military Force, Invasion, Terrorism, Sabotage, Nuclear Reactions, Looting, Earthquakes, Takeovers, Revolutions, Insurrections, Volcanic Eruptions, Fire, Hail, Ionization, Floods, Strikes, Obstacles for work, fighting, drowning, civil war, war and acts of war, treason, landslides or other geological or meteorological phenomena
The insurance does not cover loss, damage and expenses to the vehicles or third party legal liability in the following cases.
As a rule, BCA car insurance offers related seminars to its customers. Below is a list of things you need to know.
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In order to provide the best possible service, BCA Insurance offers a place where consumers can submit their complaints through the various platforms listed below.
This is some of the information we can share about BCA car insurance. This car insurance is actually very famous because it is part of BCA bank which is also a big bank in Indonesia.
Of course, we need not doubt the credibility of this assurance because we all know that BCA Bank is a well-run bank